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In AT&T Corp.,[fn1] the staff allowed the company to exclude a proposal regarding the separation of the positions of Chairman and CEO on the ground that it related to an election of directors because it criticized the Chairman/ CEO, who was standing for reelection at the next annual meeting. The proponent requested reconsideration of the staff's decision because it felt that "the appropriate remedy ought to be revision or deletion of the part or parts that may be impermissible." In its response, the staff stated that "after reviewing the information contained in your letter, we find no basis to reconsider our position."EXAMPLE:
In AT&T Corp.,[fn2] the company asked the staff to reconsider its decision requiring the company to include a proposal relating to the company's equal opportunity statement. In its response, the staff stated that "the division grants the reconsideration request, and upon reconsideration, we are unable to concur in your view that AT&T may exclude the entire proposal." However, the staff did allow the company to exclude a statement that it deemed false and misleading.EXAMPLES:
Company Practice Pointers
Proponent Practice Pointers
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